Look Pivot 15 Gw Ski Bindings

Color Gold Forza Raw
Ski Brake Width 95mm 90mm
Look Pivot 15 Gw Ski Bindings earns an extra $21.50 in your Willi's ReWards account.

Look Pivot 15 Gw Ski Bindings

Way back in the day, Look released a 15 DIN binding with their full metal toe and classic pivot heel. This binding, which included the same features as its predecessor, was called the Pivot 15 Gw Ski Binding. It boasts the same fully metal construction found in the Pivot 18, but with a slightly softer spring that allows for more standard DIN settings. This creates a binding that is both strong and reliable, while still being able to release when needed for intermediate, advanced, and expert skiers who are using classic alpine or walk to Ride boots.

Features for the Pivot 15 GW ski bindings

  • DIN Range: 6-15
  • Sole Compatability: Alpine DIN (ISO 5355), Grip walk (ISO 23223)
  • Toe Features: Full metal toe piece.
  • Heel Features: Turntable Heel, Metal upper construction, The most elastic heel on the market will help reduce any unwanted pre-release.
  • Additional Features: Short mounting platform - the rear screws are directly under the heel which provides you with the most natural ski flex possible
  • Grip Walk Ski Boots Soles
    332-Parker Rd,Huntsville North Dakota 33559,United States